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Diets + Disease

imagine a possible hospital-free life

Some stats: the number one killer in the world is heart disease and lung cancer is number two. Of the top twelve causes of death worldwide, diet and lifestyle ailments comprise 75% including type-2 diabetes and some cancers. Global stats are rapidly shifting as previously healthy populations like China are more affluent and adopting the SAD (Standard American Diet). So, what does this mean? The only person not walking along Lake Michigan for an hour on a lovely morning is me. Nobody is forcing nachos and a beer into my body. A WPF diet and lifestyle is the smoking gun for preventing and reversing a slew of chronic diseases.


Welcome WPF-Curious Vegans + Vegetarians / All Plant Foods Are Not Created Equal / People Who Eat Plants / Diseases of Affluence / CH's High-Low-Ox "Diet" / Plants That Make Us Poop / Talking Toilets / Meet Disease Prevention Experts / Animal Protein Compared to Cigarette Smoking for Cancer / Pivio - The Complete Health Improvement Program (aka CHIP) / Are Humans Herbivores or Carnivores? / It's Never Too Late: Reversing My Heart Disease on a WFPB Diet at 80 / Everything You Wanted to Know About a Paleo Diet But Were Afraid to Ask

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Welcome WPF-Curious Vegans + Vegetarians

Thank you for supporting food animals and more stable eco-systems! You are badass. And... some plant-eaters are sadly overweight, tired, eating a relatively fiber-poor, nutrient-deficient diet, and getting sick from chronic ailments. Junk and faux-food marketing campaigns - that target your demographic with a vengeance - are on a roll as many companies continue to feed the public garbage. Like, a lot of CRAP: Completely Refined And Processed food. Are you curious about life-promoting WPF? Need support? LMK.

rabbit hole

Starting A WPF Diet

rabbit hole

Vegan vs Plant-Based

rabbit hole

Starting A WPF Diet


People Who Eat Plants

(17 types of plant-powered diets)

Junk and faux-food vegans, vegetarians, WPF, nutritarians, climate vegans, ethical, paleo, raw, starch... there are many ways to eat plants. Some are nutrient-dense and some not so much. I eat primarily whole plants, with a focus on natural foods as Mother Nature and Father Time intended. Check out variations of a plant-forward diet.

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Diseases of Affluence

(let's stop dying like kings + queens)

Dr Campbell, founder of the Center for Nutrition Studies at Cornell University, talks about lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and some cancers as diseases of affluence. The bad news? Turns out, we've created some of this mess we're in. The good news? We have the power to un-create it. Excited about a possible hospital-free life?

"Health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing rather than the mere absence of disease or infirmity."

- The World Health Organization's definition of health


CH's High-Low-Ox "Diet"

If you could learn the most useful and fundamental facts about food, would you like a cheat sheet to support your curiosity? Meet CH's High-Low-Ox "Diet" developed to cut through the noise and get to the heart of the matter. High-water, high-nutrient, high-fiber, low-glycemic, low-inflammatory, antiOXidant, and nitric OXide are a food symphony playing life-promoting melodies in our body and brain.

Plants That Make Us Poop

A general consensus says that if our poop floats, it means we’re eating a fiber-rich diet (fiber fills us up and helps curb over-eating, too). If poop comes out daily, effortlessly, smoothly, needs just a few wipes, and doesn’t hurt, even better. Studies have shown a correlation between stool length and colon cancer - the longer the better. Size matters and fiber-rich diets matter even more. Lentil soup anyone?

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Talking Toilets

Studies focused on bowel movements are scarce even though issues with elimination are common. Mostly, our problems with poop can be traced to a serious lack of fiber in our diet (no surprise). As for pee color, the lighter the better (to a point). Depending on activity levels, hydrate with about 60 oz to 64 oz of water and tea (1.75 liters to 1.9), which are IDEAL liquids for humans. We can eat water, too. High-water foods such as strawberries, cauliflower, zucchini, watermelon, and cucumbers are highly recommended.

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