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Fun Food Science

get ready... it's time to rock and roll

Learning about bio-chemistry saved my life. In the process, I considered my entire body and how every aspect of my life either harmed my health or contributed to its wellness. Bio-chemistry is... the application of chemistry to the study of biological processes at the cellular and molecular level. The first question plant-based eaters usually hear is: where do you get your protein if you don’t eat animals? Answer: protein is in ALL foods. Broccoli has more protein per calorie than steak! My brain also exploded when I learned about excess protein's negative impact on health. Put on your critical-thinking hat, approach this section with an open mind, and dive in. Ready to feel more focused and ALIVE every day? 


Science + Art of Nutrition / Top Five Food Myths / Two oxes walk into a bar / Nutrient-Density vs Calorie-Density / Cut the Calorie-Rich-and-Processed Foods / What's psycho-neuro-immunology (PNI)? / Breaking up is hard to do. (All About Cheese) / Meet Plant-Powered Pioneers / Got Kidz? Food Science in Kidzone

Three Essentials for Food Education

Science + Art of Nutrition

In terms of human history, the study of nutrition is a new field. As long as scientific study results are not offered as miraculous cures for all, I'll read any solid findings which offer healthy options. One thing I know: it's time to listen and learn.

Top Five Food Myths

Protein, carbohydrates, calories, fat, and supplements. Way too many manipulative marketing campaigns have unfortunately filled our already tired, over-loaded, and mistrustful brains with creative spin-doctor noise and disinformation (lies). It's a racket and we're the guinea pigs.

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  Two oxes walk into a bar

That's what it feels like when I whip out rainbow-like lunches at my day job. It's like walking into a smoky dive bar with a bushel of Savoy cabbage and kale. Focus mainly on anti-OXidants and nitric OXide - these oxes keep the doctors away.


Nutrient-Density vs Calorie-Density

(we're over-eating and nutritionally starving at the same time)

Packed with macro-nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytochemicals, and water, WPF foods are high in nutrients and low in calories. Exceptions are nutrient-dense, high-fat, high-calorie plants such as raw nuts, raw seeds, low-salt olives, and avocados (it's wise to limit these essential, high-fat beauties). 


Conversely, calorie-dense foods like fast foods, animal foods, processed foods, faux-vegan foods, and even plant oils are more nutrient-deficient. The irony? We're over-eating and nutritiously starving at the same time.

What's psycho-neuro-immunology (PNI)?

Happiness, loss, and the spectrum of neurological states have a direct impact on our gut microbiome, immune system, and disease expression. Some positive solutions? Get therapy, leave a toxic relationship, walk in nature, take a camping holiday, change jobs, dance, watch comedy, start a journal, meditate - whatever it takes for peace of mind.

"You can dramatically affect the expression of your metabolism and your bio-chemistry by the way you eat and the way you live."
- Jillian Michaels, American Personal Trainer + Fitness Coach

Breaking up is hard to do.

Of all the food hazards on the planet, cheese gets a gold medal and processed meats get a silver (bronze is a tie between inflammation-causing and junk foods; fourth is a tie between egg yolks and high-fructose corn syrup). Consider this: when plant-powered advocates are asked about the foods most difficult to give up, without hesitation almost everyone says cheese (my nemesis was Greek yoghurt).

Meet Plant-Powered Pioneers

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