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Low-Waste Kitchen
no more moldy mushrooms and neglected nectarines

Waste not want not. Here are some mind-blowing stats: the USA is a leader in food waste, tossing almost 40 million tons of food annually. This is about 35% of the yearly food supply. This translates into 80 billion pounds of food (36.2 billion kilos), 220 pounds (100 kilos) of waste for each American, with a value of over $161 billion (137 billion euros). Food is wasted because of cloudy ignorance and pure neglect. 

Recycling is a positive step towards waste reduction and proper waste management, but it's the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Our organic food scraps are co-mingling with land-fill which are creating methane, a poisonous gas. We're not being respectful stewards of the land, and our self-absorbed world views are creating chaos. Mother Nature ought to take us out back and spank us for being so naughty. We can do better than this. 


FIFO - First In First Out / Encore! Encore! / Compost + Recycling / Six Tips from a Restaurant Pro - How to Make Food Safer + Last Longer / Food Waste in America / Food Waste Footprint / Feed the Soil + Compost / A Guide to Composting for Beginners from Forks Over Knives



(first in first out)

Be an Action Hero by adopting the professional kitchen approach to proper food rotation. FIFO, first-in-first-out, is usually done on shopping days when we replenish our kitchen supplies. Keep track of all inventory. Take the time and try not to throw away moldy mushrooms and neglected nectarines ever again. 

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Encore! Encore!

(stretch your budget)

Put on your artistic cook's hat and paint a new food picture. Soups, stews, sauces, dressings, desserts, dips, casseroles, cassoulets, and cookies are what's on the re-purposed menu tonight. Leftovers stretch your budget, too. With fusion cooking and the five ingredient trick, everything can taste tremendous.

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Compost + Recycling

(magic soil fairies rock)

Land-fill is no place for organic bio-matter.  The absolute BEST place for all organic, compostable materials is back into the soil, mixed in a compost pile, and left alone so that magic fairies can turn the dirt and food scraps into fertile, bountiful soil. The harmful impact of waste in land-fills and oceans is taking its toll.

in case you missed it...
rabbit holes
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