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    to get you started...

I'm the type of chef who reads through recipes and then goes free-styling in the kitchen. I encourage experimentation, especially if you're new to the whole plant foods universe and you can't imagine never eating animals, animal products, added oils, added sugars, or processed foods again. Move forward with each recipe, each batch-cooking session, and each meal at your own pace, in your own unique way. My best advice? Practice, succeed, fail, burn, learn, toss mistakes in the trash. Succeed again, fail again, toss again. Practice more. Practice some more. Then... repeat. Need support? LMK.


Medicine Soup / Kaltes Essen / CH Cookies / Batch Cooking Hacks / Cravings Hack: Totally Toast / Sweet-Tooth Hack: Dessert Bites / Veg Stock Hack (vs Plant Oils) / Ten Fav Recipe Resources / Knife Skills / Prep + Safety / Mother Sauces / Ingredients Trick

Favorite CH Recipes

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Medicine Soup

This tried-and-true recipe has helped many people stop the onset of a cold or the flu. It's an immune-boosting combo of garlic, ginger, red onions, lemon juice, and hot peppers. A slew of vegetables are added to help these powerful Food Medicines go down. 


Kaltes Essen*

I have a deep appreciation for this German cold meal dish. It's like a picnic on your plate with raw and roasted vegetables, various dips, mustards, pickled things like beets and sauerkraut, sprouted breads, whole wheat pita, and Knäckebrot.

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CH Cookies

Dates are food heroes not only for fiber and antioxidants, but also as a delish WPF sugar option. Made with dates, orange zest, oats, nut butter, apples, pears, goji berries, walnuts, flax meal, dairy-free dark chocolate chips, raisins, and Chinese five spice.

* Included are Choke + Spinach Smear (or Dip), Lemon-Zest Hummus, and Pickled Beets with Caraway.

Favorite CH Hacks

Batch Cooking Hacks

(a healthier life + a higher bank balance)

Commit to one session a week (or two for larger households), when all you do is cook up staple ingredients to be used during the week on their own and for other meals. The four main food groups to focus on are beans, intact whole grains, starchy vegetables, and veggies + aromatics. Cleaning, cutting, steaming, sautéing, stir-frying, and roasting can be mastered with practice. Think of this as a choice towards a healthier life and a higher bank balance. 

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Cravings Hack: Totally Toast

Toast can be as fancy or simple as you wish (nut butter, thick-sliced pears, and cinnamon for example). I use sprouted breads (Food for Life Ezekiel, Aldi-brand, etc), or dark German rye (Mestermacher, Delba, etc). I'll add 1/4 avocado or lemon-zest hummus, and raw and/or roasted veggies. I spent a summer in Stockholm and got inspired by their open-faced sandwiches topped with everything. Never underestimate the powerful flavors of toast to calm down those feisty salt-sugar-fat cravings. 

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Sweet-Tooth Hack: Dessert Bites

Another effective hack that can calm down a feisty sweet tooth, is to take two or three ingredients and eat them at the same time. When they combine in our mouth, it tastes kinda like a candy bar. No really, it's amazing. Examples: 1 Brazil nut with 1 dried plum / 1 date with 2 walnut halves / 2 almonds with a bite of apple or pear that has been sprinkled with cinnamon / 1 teaspoon sunflower seeds with a few raisins and a bite of banana. Note: using raw nuts and nut butters elevate the party.

Heads Up: for people who have food addiction or a tendency towards food addiction for some items or flavors, then eating salty, fatty, and/or sugary foods (even WPF) can wake up those wicked Food Monsters. In that case, going cold turkey is probably wise. For example, if sugar is your DEEP addiction, then consuming dates might be a slippery slope.

Ten Fav Recipe Resources

  • Plant-Based for Beginners (WPF)  LINK

  • How Not to Die Cookbook (WPF)  LINK   

  • How Not to Diet Cookbook (WPF)  LINK

  • Plant-Powered Families (vegan)  LINK

  • Forks Over Knives (WPF)  LINK

  • Monkey + Me Kitchen (WPF)  LINK

  • Cookie + Kate (vegetarian + vegan)  LINK

  • WFPB Cooking Show (WPF)  LINK

  • Sweet Potato Soul (vegan)  LINK

  • Yeung Man Cooking (vegan)  LINK

In case you missed it...

Got a photo of a WPF recipe to share? Send to: 

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