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Cookhouse Hero's

Frequently Asked Questions

When I first started this Food + Fitness as Medicine adventure, I wish I'd had a quick access to these 25 FAQs! Since Cookhouse Hero is an education-focused resource designed to offer a wide range of info, these frequently asked questions are comprehensive. One important point: this list isn't the standard, abbreviated tool seen everywhere (great addition but not usually detailed). Instead, it was created to educate and guide readers with evidence-based data, insights, practical tips + tricks, and links for rabbit-hole explorations. Need support? LMK. Got your CH notebook/pad ready? Let's dive in!

Seven Categories:

Nutrition / Diet / Lifestyle / Medicine / Fitness / Habits + Behaviors / Food for Thought



  • If I stop eating animals and animal products, how do I get enough protein? (#1 question)

  • My cousin lost 42 pounds doing Atkins and told me that carbs are unhealthy. Is that true? (#2)

  • Are supplements recommended for plant-based eaters? (#3)

  • Is a WPF diet safe for kids and the elderly - don't they have unique nutritional needs?

  • I'm vegetarian and eat eggs and cheese. Aren't these foods healthier than meat?




  • What about stress, sleep, and relationships - don't these things have a major impact, too? 

  • Why are "everything in moderation" and "the 80-20 rule" not recommended approaches?

  • I've heard that a plant-based diet is expensive. Is that true? My budget is limited. 




  • How much and what kind of exercise / movement should I do to create optimal health and longevity?

  • It seems athletes are particularly targeted by powder, supplement, and animal-protein gurus. Can athletes achieve their fitness goals on a whole plant foods diet?



  • Plant-focused diets seem to teach an all-or-nothing approach. What's your 95% WPF approach?

  • What's the difference between being vegan and being whole plant-based? It's so confusing!

  • What foods and beverages are included in a whole plant foods diet?

  • I've been vegan for three years, but I'm still over-weight and often tired. What's up?

  • How can I convince my picky kids to eat food heroes like broccoli and green leafy veggies?




  • If a whole plant foods diet can reverse chronic diseases, why don't doctors know about it?

  • I'm taking medication for type-2 diabetes. How can I reverse this disease without pills?

  • Obesity and breast cancer run in my family. Are these conditions inevitable for me, too?


Habits + Behaviors


  • How can I learn to enjoy shopping and cooking?

  • Is food addiction the same as other addictions?

  • Why is cooking at home so important? I'm not giving up restaurants (from CH: me neither).

  • How do I transition to a WPF or vegan diet if my family and/or friends aren't on board? 

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Food for Thought


  • How can farmers and ranchers transition from raising animals to growing primarily plants?

  • Why are some vegan activists so militant and preachy about animals and climate change?

  • What do you think about faux-vegan foods like vegan cheese, Beyond burgers, and soy ice cream? 

learn more


What are Cookhouse Hero's top 12 food heroes?

"Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family."

- Kofi Annan, Former Secretary-General of the UN (died 2018)

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be​ans  (+ lentils)


apples (+fruit)

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quinoa (+grains)





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steel-cut oats

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raw walnuts

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sweet potatoes

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broccoli (+veggies)

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flax (+chia)



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