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Fitness + Exercise

an object at rest stays at rest

an object in motion stays in motion

- from the Law of Motion by Isaac Newton, English Mathematician + Politician (died 1727)

Although I was athletic for decades, I let my body go in my forties due to getting a divorce and tackling reverse culture shock after living overseas for 17 years. I worked too much, spent too much time on the sofa, and allowed too many indulgences. It was a dark time. Although the numbers vary, most experts tend to agree that 45 to 90 minutes of brisk movement or 40 minutes of rigorous-ish exercise DAILY can create increased blood flow, lowered LDL cholesterol, improved sleep, a better sex life, optimal heart health, and longevity. Food + Fitness as Medicine is a balance between what we put into our bodies, and how and how often we move them.


Beware of Gurus / BMI + BMR: One Size Fits All? / Music for Muscles / Inflammation: Friend + Foe / What's ergogenic nutrition? / Meet Rip Esselstyn - Dragon Slayer of Disease / Harris-Benedict Calculator - TDEE + BMR / Crush It As a Plant-Based Athlete with Frazier + Cheeke + Roll / ED as warning sign of heart disease


Beware of Gurus

(listen with your whole body)

If we've been confused by conflicting messages in the nutrition universe, the chances of this happening within the fitness forum is ten-fold. The FDA doesn't monitor most supplement and protein-powder gurus, who sell their products while showing off their ripped abs. How do we know whom to trust and believe? Cookhouse Hero would suggest the following steps to begin: 


  • Google "plant-based fitness"

  • Check out the No Meat Athlete's website

  • Watch the film The Game Changers (2019)

  • Check out the Mama Sezz article below


Trust your instincts and listen with your whole body. Also beware of debunkers who debunk for profit and fame (or have hidden agendas). Among the piles of disinformation, the truth is out there. 


BMI + BMR: One Size Fits All?

There are two useful guidelines for determining how much excess fat we have and how many calories we would eat to maintain an "ideal" weight:


  1. BMI, or body mass index, is a number calculated from your height and weight, which is used to assess body composition. 

  2. BMR, or basal metabolic rate, is the number of calories burned when at rest. 


However, my German body has curves and a large bone structure overall (size 11 shoes + size 7.75 hat). Also, my rib cage/lung capacity is at the top 10%, so I'm built for hiking all day and swimming. Maybe one size doesn't fit all exactly...?

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learn more

Inflammation: Friend + Foe

Inflammation happens when we put (beneficial and not beneficial) stress on our bodies or have an injury. Then, our healing cells know where to go and what to do to combat this. When we put too much or not enough stress on our bodies through overly exercising or not moving at all (ie sedentary lifestyle), inflammation now becomes a CORE cause of chronic illness. Friend or foe? It's our choice.

What's ergogenic nutrition?

For athletes, ergogenic means that which enhances physical performance. There are generally five ergogenic aid classifications: mechanical, psychological, physiological, pharmacological, and nutritional. Check out an evidence-based video on why all athletes can benefit from eating a plant-based diet for performance and recovery.

Badass Dragon Slayer
Meet Rip Esselstyn
(a special message to manly men everywhere)

Rip is a former firefighter and triathlete. As the son of Dr Caldwell Esselstyn, a WPF pioneer, Rip is also a ferocious dragon slayer of disease. This TEDx talk is one of the best around, filled with fun factoids and food for thought. The inspiring story of how a small Austin, Texas firehouse became plant-based in 28 days will get you off the sofa and into the produce aisle at your local market. Squash and strawberries are sexy. 

To all the gentlemen we love and cherish, please for the sake of your virility, strength, and innate instincts to save the world, consider what Rip Esselstyn has to say. Please let your mind open up to becoming a badass dragon slayer of disease, too. We need your power and fix-it skills more than ever. Bonus: eating whole plants can increase your libido and enhance your sexual performance. No, really

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