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Top Five Food Myths

(we're smarter and far more capable than we think)

Throughout Cookhouse Hero, the content isn't focused on the click-bait practice of debunking. My approach is focused on evidence-based info and practical SOLUTIONS - what works, what doesn't, why, and how to create positive momentum for repairing human health, food-animal welfare, and eco-systems. From the comfort of a couch, it's too easy to debunk without accurate data from solid research studies and sources. And it's effortless to spout "facts" which don't contribute to disease reversing results. Let's collectively unplug and let others create talking-head, time-slot, click-bait noise.


Protein / Carbohydrates / Dietary Fats / Calories / Supplements / You are not alone. / Intrigued? CH website links

"It's impossible to learn that which you think you already know." 

- Epictetus, Former Slave + Greek Stoic Philosopher (died 135 AD)

#1 - Protein

FACTOID: broccoli has more protein per calorie than a steak. Every food on Earth has protein. Celery has protein.

Proteins are large complex molecules that play many critical roles in the body. They do most of the work in cells and are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs. We need protein but… the type and amount of protein (as a percentage of daily calories) has been presented in a manipulative way by marketing campaigns.

Turns out, protein deficiency isn't a real thing, except within seriously malnourished populations. The medical term for this is kwashiorkor. Ever heard of it? No? That's how rampant this isn't.

In fact, we're eating way too much protein, and clinical studies have shown that high protein consumption is contributing to liver cancer, as well as places stress on our bones, kidney, and heart for example. Actually, we need about 5% - 15% protein daily to maintain a healthy body, depending on age, lifestyle, fitness, etc. This number is a bit higher for athletes.


Currently, the average American is consuming about 15%-35% or more per day, and the WHO - World Health Organization - recommends 5% daily. Studies have also shown that animal proteins and casein (the protein in mammal's milk) are one of the primary causes of heart disease and chronic ailments such as prostate and breast cancer. Plant-based proteins are available in the form of beans, lentils, raw nuts, raw seeds, and every plant on the planet. Even celery and watermelon have protein. Broccoli has more protein per calories than steak. Spinach has about the same amount of protein per calorie than chicken and fish. These are mind-blowing factoids to nosh on.

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#2 - Carbohydrates

FACTOID: fiber-rich, nutrient-dense complex carbohydrates are the primary energy source for the body and brain, creating optimal physiological conditions for longevity, health, and cognitive wellness.

Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of energy and help fuel the brain, kidneys, heart muscles, and central nervous system. An example is fiber - a carbohydrate that aids in digestion - which helps us feel full so we don’t overeat. Soluble and insoluble fiber also help keep blood cholesterol levels in check. We need carbohydrates in a big way but… carbohydrates have been presented in a clever and twisted way by marketing campaigns.

Turns out, we're not eating enough fiber-rich, nutrient-dense, life-promoting complex carbohydrates. We're not consuming enough simple carbs in the form of whole fruits, too.

Research studies have shown that a long-term, low-carb diet (usually accompanied by high levels of fat and protein) is contributing to some cancers, heart disease, dementia, stroke, and diabetes. Actually, we need about 70% - 80% of non-processed carbohydrates daily to maintain a healthy body and brain. Nutrient-dense, fiber-rich carbs are available in intact whole grains, beans, lentils, peas, nuts, seeds, fruits, starchy vegetables, and other fiber-rich foods.

#3 - Dietary Fats

FACTOID: expensive, organic butter from a local farm is packed with 63% saturated fat... and even imported, organic, first cold-pressed olive oil has nutrient-deficient "empty calories" with 14% saturated fat.

Dietary Fats are essential to give the body energy and support cell growth. They also help protect organs, keep the body warm, absorb nutrients, and produce hormones. We need dietary fats but… dietary fats have been presented in a smoke-and-mirrors way by masterful marketing campaigns.

Turns out, we're eating way too much trans fat and saturated fat found in animals, dairy, eggs, all types of vegetable oils, olive and tropical oils, carcinogenic processed meats, and other processed foods.

Clinical studies have shown that trans and saturated fat consumption is contributing to some cancers, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and type-2 diabetes, for example. Actually, we need about 10% - 15% dietary fats to maintain a healthy body – less if we want to reverse heart disease or type-2 diabetes. Whole plant-based unsaturated fats are abundant in the form of nuts, seeds, olives, and avocados. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains also contain healthy fats.

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#4 - Calories

FACTOID: the calories in candy don't have the same nutritional value and bio-chemical effect as the same amount of calories in apples, bananas, carrots, dates, eggplants, figs, grapes, honeydew melons, or any other plant on the planet.


Calories are the amount of energy released when the body digests and absorbs food. The more calories a food has, the more energy it can provide to the body. When we overeat and absorb more calories than we need, the body stores the extra calories as body fat. In most industrialized nations (and emerging ones like China as more are following the SAD - Standard American Diet), our calorie intake is out of control. Calories are the building blocks of energy but...

marketing campaigns are even more sinister when it comes to selling calories.

Big Food and Big Beverage are trying to convince us that a calorie is a calorie. Also referred to as 'calories in, calories out', this way of calculating isn't connected to food science (or reality).

There's a massive difference between eating the same number of calories in a candy bar or a banana. Ask yourself if 243 calories in a small bag of peanut M & M's (1.67 oz/47 g) has the same nutritional value as 243 calories in Coca Cola (21 oz/.62 liters), Skinny Pop Original (6 cups/750 g), or red delicious apples (14 oz - about 3 apples). My body reacts differently with these 243 calorie variations, and I suspect yours would, too.

#5 - Supplements

FACTOID: because supplements contain active ingredients and are unregulated, they can cause harmful side effects. 

Because supplements contain active ingredients, they can also cause side effects such as elevated blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, headache, dizziness, digestive system issues, and for some supplements, side effects from taking doses that are too high. Yes, there are exceptions. However, if we can eat oranges and apples, then why would we take vitamin C or apple extract capsules?

Big Supplements is a mostly unregulated, high-revenue arena whose marketing tactics offer quick fixes, snake-oil cures, and fitness guru solutions for just about every ailment in the known universe.

Conversely, supplementation has been recommended for plant-based eaters with B12, for people who don't get enough sunshine with D3, or for those who might have deficient levels of a particular vitamin or compound and would benefit from a supplementation regimen short-term or long-term. Other supplements like echinacea can be beneficial for immune health, amla powder (Indian gooseberries) can help lower LDL cholesterol, and athletes might benefit from taking magnesium and K2. Other supplements in the current conversation are chlorella, DHA and EPA omega 3s, and pre-biotic fiber. Overall, this subject will continue to be fiercely debated, analyzed, and adjusted. Stay tuned.

You are not alone.

FACTOID: diets ranging from flexitarian and vegetarian to raw vegan and whole food plant-based now make up about one-third of the world's nutrition. That means billions of people are eating plants as a primary source of food.

I've joined "The Greens Brigade" and other WPF forums to significantly help change the way we humans eat. I’m sadly aware that encyclopedic volumes could be dedicated to more falsehoods and deceptive cures. Please know that support is available in many forms, and (in my humble opinion!), Cookhouse Hero is a superlative and well-rounded place to embrace your food, beverage, and food-systems education and adventure. Need support? LMK

What I can say is this: educate yourself, check out the Sources + Resources button below, read a book (or five), watch a film, join an online community, and find a healthcare provider who is open-minded or connect to a lifestyle/integrative physician. Try eating a WPF diet with a variety of plants for three or four months, as this is the time it takes to physiologically re-awaken our taste buds. Then, draw your own conclusions. Further proof is in your sleep patterns, energy levels, ability to focus, and of course, your poop!

Unfortunately, Gold Stars aren't given out for eating apple peels, and insurance companies don't reimburse doctors for prescribing fiber-rich fava beans, blueberries, or raw walnuts (yet).

Start this food education adventure from wherever you are at this moment and keep going. This week, add carrots, bell peppers, zucchini, fresh garlic, fresh Italian parsley, and oregano to your favorite meat-based chili recipe. Next time, add umami-rich mushrooms and try to ditch the meat. My best advice? While you dive in and figure this stuff out for yourself, let your confused and possibly food-addicted brain take a holiday on Mars. Mine is already there, so it'll have company. 

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