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Truth and Consequences

"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."

- Mark Twain, American Author + Humorist (died 1910)

When I was 19, after a close high-school friend took a two-day personal development workshop (More to Life), and directly afterwards, followed his bliss and moved to NYC to become an artist, I was curious and signed up. I learned one of many wise lessons: go deeply internally and externally, and tell the truth no matter what about the self, people, society, and the world... as kindly and fearlessly as possible. I was also raised in a family who followed a philosophy called Objectivism, and seeing life as-it-is and truth-telling were highly valued. Of course, personal perceptions play a role in our own versions of reality, too. This is a tricky balance.


When I worked as an Intercultural Trainer and motivated participants to courageously look at ineffectual realities about themselves and their group-think mind sets, I wore protective neutral-zone armor. I did this because more than a few grown-ups turned into snarky teenagers, holding onto their illusions with a vengeance. Some became verbally abusive, so much so that I had to kick a couple people out of the trainings! Luckily, I was supported by clients and participants who knew me. The truth and reality can be painful to understand and embrace as genuine. Inevitably, strong emotions and resistance are sure to follow.

Telling the truth fearlessly is a Cookhouse Hero superpower. This encourages people to rip off our comfort-zone bandages and decide to get REAL about foods, beverages, and food systems. 

Truth-telling can be tough love in its most vulnerable manifestation, and being shamed, ridiculed, and not liked are potential consequences of saying - out loud - that the Emperors Are Butt Naked. Thus, it's not surprising that too many of us avoid the truth, reality, and life itself staring directly at our hesitant and confirmation-biased brains. Facing the truth and accepting consequences of our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions tend to be squashed by our need to fit in, even though as Dr Seuss said, "we were born to stand out." 

We all engage in ostrich behavior sometimes. However, when it comes to human health, animal welfare, and planetary stability, it's time to take off our whitewashed gloves of polite society, let go of our unspoken fear of telling the truth and talking about the white elephants in the pantry, and accept the NAKED REALITY: 

Via harmful foods, beverages, and food systems, we're SERIOUSLY damaging our health, food animals, and the planet. One superlative solution? Eating and cooking whole plants in abundance.

The long-term consequences of denial are far greater than short-term moments of accepting awkward and objective reality. In regards to food systems, deception can have dire consequences... no matter the reasons. 

Food for Thought

"The truth will set you free, but first it'll piss you off."

- Gloria Steinem, American Journalist + Equal Rights Activist

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