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Cultural Realities

reality is how we do things around here

Greek philosopher, Herodotus (born 484 BCE) wrote: "If anyone were given the opportunity of choosing the set of beliefs which he thought best from amongst all the nations in the world, he would inevitably... choose that of his own country. Everyone, without exception, believes his own native customs he was raised with to be the best.” After spending 17 years in Japan and Germany, where I worked as an educator and intercultural trainer focused on translating one cultural reality to another, I'm keenly aware of the challenges we humans face when confronted with new truths. My ask? First, choose to have an open mind and the rest will follow.


Perfectionism and the Will to Learn / Friends + Family Traditions / Community Gatherings / Truth and Consequences / The Power of Group Dynamics / Why we say YES or NO to plants / Click-Bait = Cash / What is Medical Gaslighting? / Mother Theresa was a wise woman. / Meet Tracye McQuirter (+ Intersectionality / Cultural Norms + Dissent / Not Giving Up Animals / Talk to Partners About WPF / Saying No to a "Food Pusher"

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Perfectionism and the Will to Learn

If we can't do something "right" (perfectly), is it worth doing at all? Studies show a trend among younger generations that they're suffering from unrealistically high standards about the world, other people, and themselves. And in my Writing for Children and Teens course at the Institute for Writers, I've learned how challenging it is to teach an old dog new tricks (I'm a Gen X writer who had never written for young people before). Check out the links below. The first is geared towards writers but can be applied to the universal idea of resistance to learning, and the second illustrates how perfectionism squashes positive forward momentum. Then, apply this knowledge to your Food + Fitness as Medicine adventure. Turns out, we humans CAN learn.

"Learning never exhausts the mind."
- Leonardo da Vinci, Italian Renaissance Painter + Engineer + Scientist + Architect (died 1519)

Friends + Family Traditions

Chocolate cake, ice cream, candles, and Happy Birthday sung off key by friends and family are awesome. Once a year, usually on New Year's Eve, I choose to eat and drink anything I want. Although I know I'll suffer for a few days afterwards, I love this decadent tradition celebrated with joy. But... eating chocolate cake often is a different story altogether.

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Community Gatherings

Here I am with a co-worker at a White Sox game on the south side of Chicago. We enjoyed cold beer, frozen mango margaritas, and salted peanuts - all my favorites woven into the fabric of this beloved American pastime. Stadium foods are a part of our sports traditions, and I keep my indulgences to a minimum. It's a tricky balance, for sure.

Click-Bait = Cash

One unfortunate aspect around the plant-based community is the click-bait, mis/disinformed, and arrogant practice of debunking people who eat primarily plants. Arnold Schwarzenegger and others talk about how their egos first resisted plants as an optimal protein source and said a plant-based/vegan diet challenged their identities as real men. Some previous nay-sayers have changed their tunes, while other professional debunkers continue to create controversy and cash via click-bait BS. Overly-tough exteriors are often hiding overly-insecure interiors.

You can never change the truth, but the truth can change you.

What is Medical Gaslighting?

What happens when doctors assume we're imagining our symptoms? To be fair, considering Big Pharma ads urging us to "ask your doctor" about a medication (with online advice in uber-abundance), it's not surprising that some US healthcare providers are hesitant listeners. However, the cultural reality of misdiagnosing patients who are a minority, female, elderly, poor, overweight, people with a disability, or an immigrant with limited local-language skills is something to be aware of. If physicians gaslight us, it's likely time to change doctors. 

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Mother Theresa was a wise woman.

When asked why she didn't join anti-war or anti-poverty marches, Mother Theresa said if there were pro-peace or pro-prosperity rallies, she'd gladly attend. I've learned that anger, disdain, judgement, and a sense of moral superiority shut folks down. Like, fast. Then minds close, nothing changes, and it's game over. So, as effective as it is to shout in unison (I've been there!), perhaps focusing on a UNIFIED PRO-PLANTS MESSAGE might also be influential, motivating, and fruit-full.

Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did... but she danced backwards and in heels.

rabbit holes

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